11 New inspiring topics for your next webinar.
23. September 2021 - 12 min
Coming up with new webinar subjects can be quite hard. Hosting the same webinar over and over again gets boring, and stepping out of your comfort zone might make you unsure.
In this blog you will learn how to get inspired once more to create new webinars. You get hands-on tips and will be inspired in no-time!
When we come up with new content, we always first pick the purpose of a webinar. Probably your webinars can already get categorized in a categorie. The best way to make new webinars is to get out of the comfort zone and choose a whole new category for your next webinar.
These are the different categories of webinars:
Marketing webinars
Sales webinars
Educational webinars
Internal or external communication webinars
Marketing webinars
Become an expert in your own field
Webinars are a great tool to show the world that you are an expert in your own field. You can do that easily by picking a subject that interests your target audience and is not directly connected to your product or service.
Think about the questions, challenges and problems that your target audience is facing daily and think about how your product or service can help them overcome these problems.
WebinarGeek often hosts webinars about how you can host webinars in a very broad way. For example:
This is how to get more viewers for your Webinar
This is how you present a Webinar!
The different possibilities to follow up your leads (dutch)
Host a webinar together with a partner or friend
Do you share common ground with another company? Or can your service or product be of any value for a group of customers from that company?
Why not combine your strengths and host a webinar together. With the co-presenting feature from WebinarGeek it is super easy. You and your partner don’t even have to be in the same location to still benefit from ‘being together as one’.
Make sure that you pick a subject that suits you both and discuss which info you’re going to share with each other. It can be very refreshing to talk to a new audience and it might open doors to a new group of potential customers.
Even if you do not have a befriended company to host webinars with, you can still host webinars with someone. Ask some colleagues (maybe from different departments) to host a webinar together, so that you can shine a light together on a subject that is interesting for your audience.
These three webinars might give you even more inspiration:
A 7-step guide to repurposing and promoting your webinar content
WebinarGeek en Valo Media: Hoe maak je van een offline event een online event? (dutch)
Tell people the story of your company
Marketing is all about telling people why your company exists and why you do what you do. Yes, this is all inspired by the golden circle from Simon Sinek.
And why (pun intended) not host a webinar about your story. Why did you start your business and why is your company different from the competition?
Sales webinars
Scalable Product demo’s
It might be an open door for a lot of people, but hosting a product demo via a webinar is the most effective and efficient way to show your product or service to the world.
Where you normally would invite people to your office, you can now show your product or service to 4000 potential customers. That amount will probably not fit your office, right?
Have a look at one of our product demos to get inspired on how to host product demos like a boss.
Organize a contest and host the award ceremony online
People love competition and they love to win even more. Organize a contest and use webinars to explain how the competition works, encourage them and host a big award ceremony.
A great way to get out of your comfort zone and use webinars for yet another purpose.
Educational webinars
Train your customers how to use your product
Very much in line with the marketing webinars, are the educational ones. You explain how your product or service works and train people on how to use it.
During a webinar you can test their knowledge with a quiz. You review the results after the webinar has ended.
Train customers how to use extra services, that they probably use with your service or product
Another great thing to use webinars for is cross- or up-selling. It can be an upgrade of your product or service. Promote a certain product that increases the quality of how they use your product or service.
For example: WebinarGeek hosts webinars where we show webcam, microphones or studio’s that can upgrade your webinar quality. A great example of telling people how they can get better in using your product or service!
Train your colleagues
If you work at a bigger company, then it might be hard to find a spot in everyone's agenda for a meeting. Some meetings take place months after the initial idea, because not everyone on the team or company has time. In the worst case, it ends up with someone sacrificing their lunch time.
With webinars these problems belong to the past. All the webinars that you host are automatically recorded and are available for as long as you have an active WebinarGeek subscription.
So what if someone can’t join the webinar? No problem, they simply watch the replay.
Host a live Q&A session with your customers
Is your customer support overwhelmed with hundreds of questions? Are most of the questions more or less the same? Time to give your customers a moment to ask all the questions they have.
Answer the questions during the live webinar and let customers train other customers. WebinarGeek often invites customers to a live Q&A with the Geeks. You can watch one of these sessions here.
Internal and external communication webinars
Share a product update or company update
Do you want to inform a large group of customers or colleagues about a big company update? Or maybe an update about your (new) service, product or feature? It’s a webinar that you are looking for!
Invite your current customers or colleagues to your webinar without any effort and host your webinar live, so that everyone gets the fresh update right away.
WebinarGeek hosts a product update webinar every month to update all the new customers (and potential customers). This way, it is super visible that the company and the product are growing rapidly. Curious what that looks like? Watch our product update from July ‘21
Organize an exclusive webinar for a small group of customers
Exclusivity is a powerful method to influence the amount of people that will subscribe to your webinar. The people who subscribe to such a webinar are probably the ambassadors who really feel connected to your brand.
Host a webinar with a small, but valuable giveaway that people really want to get their hands on. Send an email or message to a segmented group of people and tell them there are not many places for this webinar.
Bonus: create a pub quiz for your colleagues
During the pandemic, there weren’t many ways to have fun from a distance. Online meetings didn’t include small talk anymore and were quite to the point. People were busy getting used to the combination of private- and work-life in one place and how to get together with friends and family.
Online pub quizzes were born and people had a lot of fun (and drinks) behind their laptop. And this is something that will not disappear from our lives anymore. Just like webinars, online pub quizzes are here to stay - with friends from afar or with colleagues spread over a whole country. It is a way to include everyone and lets not forget: it’s a lot of fun as well.
In December 2020 WebinarGeek organized a free online pub quiz for everyone. Have a look at how we did that in this article.
Hopefully this article inspired you to create more and different webinars then you are used to. Get out there and let’s webinar!
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