Product updates
Produkt-Update: Vorausgefüllte Quiz-Ergebnisse
Du kannst jetzt Wiederholungen deaktivieren, vorausgefüllte Quiz-Ergebnisse hinzufügen und Webinare auf Finnisch erstellen.
Product update: live captions for webinars
We’re thrilled to announce a new feature that’s set to revolutionize your webinars: live captions! Now, you can make your sessions more inclusive and engaging by enabling captions in 125 different languages.
Product update: improvements on the Q&A feature
Get the most out of the Q&A feature, see what we improved on it, and other improvements.
Product update: HubSpot certification and more
Check out what the HubSpot certification means and how we have improved the replay experience for viewers.
Product Update: Q&A and present from phone
A new Q&A tab is added to the streaming page and you can host webinars from your phone.
Product Update: more flexibility for webinar controls
Bring your presentation automatically on screen, hide the camera in 1 click, and API updates.
Product update: customize calendar invitations
Use a pointer in slides, customize email calendar invitations, optimize your emails with AI-generated images, and more.
Product Update: expanded sidebar
Features to make webinar hosting more accessible and improvements to calendar invitations.
Product Update: interactive webinars and sessions
All about making your webinars interactive, organized, and efficient.