

preventing technical issues
Production24. Januar 2025 - 7 min

Preventing and managing technical issues during your online event

Hosting online events can be exciting, but let’s face it: technical issues can sneak up on you, and that’s the last thing you want. So how can you prevent and manage those issues? In this blog, we’ll walk you through how to stay calm, focused, and professional while delivering a seamless experience for your audience.

man holding a time stamp and camera
20. Januar 2025 - 5 min

The ultimate guide for the best tech equipment to host webinars

Are you looking for a way to host professional-looking webinars without having to invest in an expensive webcam? This is how you can use your phone camera as a webcam.

Host webinars from your phone
14. Januar 2025 - 8 min

Broadcast a webinar from your mobile phone

Gone are the days when you needed a fancy studio, high-end equipment, or even a desktop computer to host a webinar. Now, all you really need is your mobile phone! Yes, that little device in your pocket can do way more than just send texts or scroll through memes.

10 practical tips for successfully presenting a webinar
20. August 2024

10 practical tips for successfully presenting a webinar

Ensure your success with these tips for your next webinar.

5 Camera tips for your webinar
31. Juli 2024 - 8 min

5 Camera tips for your webinar

In this blog post, we will look at five tips to improve your webinar camera setup.

Presentation layouts
31. Oktober 2023 - 5 min

So wählst du das richtige Webinar-Layout

Du hast ein Datum für dein Webinar festgelegt. Zeit, dich perfekt vorzubereiten! Du lädst (Co-)Präsentatoren ein, erstellst eine beeindruckende Präsentation und sorgst dafür, dass die Geschichte gut läuft. Das Einzige, was du noch auswählen musst, ist das richtige Webinar-Layout für dein Webinar.

Your phone a a webcam text with girl next to it
03. Januar 2023 - 5 min

How to use your phone as a webcam

Are you looking for a way to host professional-looking webinars without having to invest in an expensive webcam? This is how you can use your phone camera as a webcam.

Social Media channel overview
12. Mai 2022 - 14 min

Stream deine Webinare auf LinkedIn, Facebook, YouTube und 30+ anderen Plattformen

Nutze WebinarGeek und Restream, um ein enormes Wachstum deines Publikums auf Social Media zu erzielen. Anschnallen, los geht's!

Man behind a laptop with sticky notes surrounding him
11. März 2022 - 3 min

Whiteboard in deinem Webinar? So funktioniert’s!

Whiteboards sind ideal, um Ideen aufzuschreiben und Informationen zu visualisieren. Erfahre, wie du ein Whiteboard in WebinarGeek einrichtest.