WebinarGeek featured on TV in America in February 2021
11. Februar 2021 - 2 min
Last year we started realizing our dream of internationalization in the USA. Quickly after that the world changed.
Webinars became a necessity for companies to thrive and we have seen a lot of international clients coming in ever since. Happy to finally find a solution to host webinars that is easy to set up, completely browser based and with a lot of interactive features.
In November, we were approached by a video production company from Washington DC. They wanted to do a tech report on WebinarGeek. Oh boy, you can imagine our excitement at that time! Have a look at the feature below!
The company runs their tech journal on broadcasting giant AMC, known for their productions ‘Breaking Bad’ and ‘The Walking Dead’, which made us enthusiastic about this opportunity.
While the show was being produced for AMC, we managed to be covered also by other big American stations like CNN, FoxNews, America Today, CNBC, Bloomberg, The Huffington Post and Wired. For the entire month of February, we will be seen on these networks by millions of Americans.
Being broadcasted in the US will enable us to help more companies in spreading their message through webinars. We are looking forward to establishing WebinarGeek across the Atlantic and bringing back experiences to further optimize our webinar software.
Stay tuned!
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