Product Update: expanded sidebar
11. Juli 2024 - 5 min
Features to make webinar hosting more accessible and improvements to calendar invitations. Here are the latest updates.
Speaker names in video tiles
The names of presenters are shown in the webinar layout and replay. Add the name you want to display when you add (co-)presenters. If you don't want to show the last name, you can use something like "From Company name" as the last name at this step.
Clearer for participants who are speaking
Useful for networking
Easy to edit
Presenting in Safari
A new browser has been added for hosting webinars. Besides Google Chrome, Edge, Opera, and Firefox, you can now stream webinars from Safari.
More accessible for Apple users
The same high quality you are used to
All the same handy features
Expanded sidebar
Increase the size of the sidebar during your webinar if your screen size allows it so that you can see more tabs in one view.
View your slides, chats, and video at a glance
Customize what you want to display
Features are easily accessible
Product Update Webinar
We will show you all the new features on Wednesday, July 17th at 2:00 PM during the Product Update webinar. We will also give you an exclusive sneak peek of the features we are currently developing. Sign up now.
Watch the Product Update webinar on Wednesday July 17th @ 2 PM
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