WebinarGeek @#BC2020
16. Januar 2020 - 2 min
On friday, January 10th the day was finally there, the #BC2020 event in Utrecht, The Netherlands.
We are expanding our event experience rapidly, so we took off to Utrecht in no-time that friday morning with two filled cars and 5 enthusiastic colleagues.
An inspiring day
Het event took place in DeFabrique. A very cool and inspiring location in an old authentic-looking factory. Perfect for a day filled with inspirational sessions from leading speakers in the field of online marketing, social media, branding and sales. A day where WebinarGeek couldn’t stay at home!
The theme of the day was ‘ready for takeoff’, a new year with new chances to go sky high with your business. Fitting with the theme, we were welcomed by hostesses at the entrance, where all visitors received a bottle of official WebinarGeek Speechwater for the flight.
Speakers of the day
In between the sessions where speakers like Aartjan van Erkel (https://www.schrijvenvoorinternet.nl/) and fellow Geek Kim Stolk (http://contentgeek.nl/) provided the visitors with cool tips & tricks, the time came where guests could ask all their burning questions to the online marketing panel. Panel members for that day included:
Martijn van Tongeren, IMU (https://imu.nl/)
Dennis van Leeuwen, Studio Maestro (https://studiomaestro.nl/)
Youri Meuleman, OVA (https://ova.nl/)
Dennis van den Berge, Social Catch (https://www.socialcatch.nl/)
All in all it was a successful event and another great opportunity to talk with new clients and catch up with already existing Geeks.
WebinarGeek also created a video recording of all sessions that took place. These will be published online soon, so keep an eye out for them on our website!
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