Illustration guy and girl in front of a webinar screen

Learning: Be confident during your first webinar.

During this course, we will discuss various elements to look out for when presenting your webinar. We will explain several tactics that can help you achieve your first successful webinar.

Repetition is key

It’s important to keep practicing presenting a webinar. This allows you to test the story but also develop your presentation skills.

Before the webinar, we at WebinarGeek start by reading and re-reading the outline multiple times, after that take your lines and practice without the cameras. When you’re confident with your story ask a friend, colleague or family member to listen while you present your story. This is the time to check whether your story translates how you want it to.

  • Practice by yourself

  • Practice at least once in front of others


The core of your story is crucial for a webinar. Your webinar has to be valuable for the viewer. But presentation and form also add to the success of your webinar.

A lot of people aren’t used to presenting in front of a webcam or camera. You don’t have a real public and you won’t receive an immediate reaction from the viewer. Let’s imagine you want to tell a joke. Obviously, that’s possible but you won’t see anyone laughing. So, you’ll just have to assume that it’s funny. It’s all about your delivery and that will only increase by telling your story over and over again.

Sending a message that people will understand and will remember, is not easy. These are a few factors to take in consideration when presenting:

  • Stand up while presenting

  • Don’t speak too fast or too slow

  • Look into the camera

  • Keep your body active (avoid crossing your arms, keeping your hands behind your back or in your pockets)

Try telling a story now and then. Your viewers are more likely to remember elements from your story afterward. That’s why it’s always smart to start off with a strong story.


The most important thing to remember is to enjoy the process. The more excited you are, the more your viewers will notice the excitement and the more fun they will have during your webinar.

Your confidence will shine through and your viewers will pick that up, even through that ethernet cable.

Don't let yourself be fooled by getting a question. You are the expert! Think carefully about the questions and give yourself time. Trust your preparation now and enjoy it!

What did I learn?

  • How to properly prepare 

  • What to look out for while presenting

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