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Enormail + WebinarGeek

Synchronize your contacts with Enormail. Start autoresponders for your viewers.

Synchronising icon with orange and blue flowers
Your webinar contacts in your mailing list

Connect mailing lists with your webinars to make sure all your contacts will be placed on your mailing list automatically. You can also arrange an opt-in in WebinarGeek.

Circle of emails icons
Start autoresponders based on viewing behavior

Start an autoresponder based on viewing behavior or webinar registrations. For instance to separate viewers and non-viewers in an easy way.

Illustration of boy looking at a graphica
Make data-driven decisions

Monitor open rates, click-through rates, and conversion metrics in real time. Make data-driven decisions and continually refine your strategy for maximum impact.

Work with the tools you already use

Discover the added value of our integration with Enormail.