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Google Tag Manager + WebinarGeek

Get the most out of your webinars with our Google Tag Manager integration.

Syncing information
Connect every tag with WebinarGeek

It doesn't matter if you want to use Google Analytics tags, the LinkedIn Insight tag or whatever other tag. Google Tag Manager allows you to use your tags with WebinarGeek by installing the GTM container on all your public pages.

Syncing information
No technical knowledge required

You only have to add your GTM container ID. The container will then be added automatically to every page your viewers will visit. For instance the registration page, watch page or even when paying.

Syncing information
Get the most out of your webinars

With the use of Google Tag Manager you can use triggers for all the tools you already use. It makes it much easier to get the most out of your webinars!

Popular use cases

Use triggers and events to get the most out of your webinars. Here are some helpful use cases.

list icon with 2 checks and 1 circle
Custom event tracking

Create custom events in GTM for visiting different pages like the registration page, streaming app, and more.

eye icon
Improved tracking of webinar engagement

Use GTM to track detailed webinar interactions such as registration, attendance, and drop-off points.

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Audience retargeting

Create retargeting lists in GTM based on webinar participation data, such as those who registered but did not attend.

Work with the tools you already use

Discover the added value of our integration with Google Tag Manager.