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Pipedrive + WebinarGeek

All webinar activities of your contacts in one spot with Pipedrive.

Syncing information
Subscribers and viewers in your pipeline as lead or deal

Automatically send registrations through your sales pipeline. You can tag registrations according to a specific phase or add them as lead. Follow up on the leads you generate from your webinars.

Set up triggers

Create triggers on account level or per webinar. With WebinarGeek you can use the following triggers; new registration, new viewer, new payment, or no-show. Then create an action in Pipedrive, such as a new deal, a new contact or new lead.

Webinar statistics
Get the most out of your webinars

Get more insight into your sales process. All you have to do is check your progress, execute follow-up steps and optimize your webinar. This way you get the most out of your online event!

Popular use cases

Use triggers and events to get the most out of your webinars. Here are some helpful use cases.

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Automated lead capture and enrichment

Automatically capture webinar subscribers and/or viewers' details from WebinarGeek and create or update leads, deals and contacts in Pipedrive.

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Sales funnel optimization

Use webinar attendance and interaction data to segment leads and assign them to appropriate stages in the Pipedrive sales funnel. Add activities based on behaviour!

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Improved follow-up workflows

Set up automated follow-up sequences in Pipedrive based on webinar participation and engagement data from WebinarGeek.

Work with the tools you already use

Discover the added value of our integration with Pipedrive.