Product update: ActiveCampaign Integration
10 March 2016 - 2 min
Based on the results of the poll after our launch of the Autorespond integration, today the moment has arrived for a new integration. The clear poll winner was ActiveCampaign. We listened to your request, and starting today it’s possible to connect your mailing lists in ActiveCampaign with WebinarGeek.
For everyone that voted, thank you for fulfilling your democratic duties, and start integrating your mailing lists to your WebinarGeek account as fast as possible.
What does ActiveCampaign integratie do in WebinarGeek?
Integrating ActiveCampaign with WebinarGeek allows you to keep your mailing lists up-to-date at all times. After planning your webinar, you usually start promoting it. Obviously, your list is the first place to promote a webinar, but you can also do this through social media or other means. People that are interested will be triggered to subscribe, some of which will not be on your mailing list already. The data from these people will be auto-added on an ActiveCampaign mailing list of your choice. This will save you a bunch of time and effort!
How to connect ActiveCampaign to your WebinarGeek account?
Go to and login.
Click on your profile name on the right hand side and go to My settings
Navigate to the left hand side of the menu and click on Developer
Here, copy the URL and the Key under the API Access and paste these in the similarly named fields in WebinarGeek
Next, click on Connect ActiveCampaign and select a mailing list of your choice (usually your standard list).
Starting today, all registrations with ActiveCampaign can be auto-synced! It’s even possible to create and select a separate list for each webinar, or completely turn off this feature.
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